What to Expect During a Speech Therapy Session: A Guide for Patients and Families

Speech therapy is an important part of helping children with communication difficulties reach their full potential. Learn what to expect during a speech therapy session so that you can be prepared for each session.

What to Expect During a Speech Therapy Session: A Guide for Patients and Families

Once the patient's history and information have been collected, the therapist will begin an evaluation of the child. This will be done in a fun and interactive way, with the therapist playing with the child, observing them playing independently and with you, and comparing their abilities to a standardized evaluation. A certified, licensed and accredited speech-language pathologist will provide speech therapy services. Most speech therapy plans include compensatory strategies, which help the person regain lost abilities.

The therapist will perform standardized tests to determine their clients' eligibility for speech therapy and collect baseline data to learn what clients can do before starting speech therapy and to know where to start. Depending on the child's age, sessions are often held with only the child and the therapist in the room. This helps minimize distractions and allows the therapist to fully immerse the child in the therapeutic process. During these sessions, your loved one will learn and practice compensatory strategies tailored to their needs.

It is important to communicate openly and work collaboratively with the therapist in order to make the most of your sessions. The therapist can provide you with anatomical diagrams, pamphlets, websites, and other resources to help you and your partner understand what's happening and why. Generally speaking, children at Premiere Speech and Hearing receive speech therapy twice a month and twice a week. I learned a lot from his speech therapist and could really see where my husband was struggling. When you and your loved one set SMART goals and talk about remediation, compensation, education and participation, you and your therapist speak the same language. Speech therapy is an important part of helping children with communication difficulties reach their full potential.

It is important for parents to understand what to expect during a speech therapy session so that they can be prepared for each session. The therapist will work with you to create an individualized plan that meets your child's needs. The plan should include goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART). The therapist will also provide guidance on how to support your child's progress outside of therapy sessions.

This may include activities such as reading books together or practicing specific sounds or words at home. It is important for parents to be involved in their child's progress by providing feedback on their progress in between sessions. Speech therapy can be a rewarding experience for both children and parents alike. With proper guidance from a certified speech-language pathologist, children can make significant progress in their communication skills.

Parents should be prepared for each session by understanding what to expect during a speech therapy session.