Using Technology to Support Your Child's Speech Development: An Expert's Guide

Technology can be an invaluable tool for helping children develop their speech skills. Learn how to use technology in conjunction with traditional methods of communication from an expert.

Using Technology to Support Your Child's Speech Development: An Expert's Guide

Technology can be a great tool to help children with their speech development, but it should be used in conjunction with supportive, face-to-face interactions with real people. Assistive technology can provide assistance to those who are at risk of having difficulty developing, sending and receiving early communication signals. Technology can act as a facilitator to develop more language, and it can also be used as a secondary learning tool to develop language skills or increase sound-producing skills of speech. At-home speech therapy can be a great way to supplement your current speech therapy program, or simply a way to help your child develop speech and language skills at home.

Children may struggle with specific tasks, and technology captures their attention, regains their interest and makes them re-learn. Speech and the production of sounds should also be encouraged, regardless of how complicated the physical, cognitive, or sensory abilities of the child's sight, hearing, and senses may be. Early intervention is key for children with speech and language disorders, as it can play a vital role in their academic and social success later in life. Screening and evaluation tools are available to help diagnose and treat these disorders using artificial intelligence.

These resources are aimed at parents, caregivers, teachers, health professionals and those working in the field of speech, hearing and language disorders. It's important to remember that technology should not replace talking and playing with real people. The traditional communication process of “human interaction” is still the best way for children to learn language skills. Technology can act as a great supplement to this process, but it should not be used as a replacement. If you are considering using technology to help your child with their speech development, it's important to consult with your child's primary care doctor or a speech therapist first.

They will be able to provide you with the best advice on how to use technology in conjunction with traditional methods of communication. Technology can be an invaluable tool for helping children develop their speech skills. It can provide an engaging environment for learning and practice that is tailored to the individual needs of each child. However, it is important to remember that technology should not replace traditional methods of communication such as talking and playing with real people. Early intervention is key for children with speech and language disorders, so it is important to consult with your child's primary care doctor or a speech therapist before using technology as part of your child's speech development plan.