Alissa Sivers

Alissa Sivers

Typical beer specialist. Lifelong music aficionado. Evil music advocate. Wannabe zombieaholic. Avid social media buff. Devoted coffee buff.

47 Author´s Articles
How can i make articulation therapy more fun?

How can i make articulation therapy more fun?

Represent your target word, 2.Color a picture of the target words, draw a picture of the target words, turn-taking game....

What are best practices for speech therapy?

What are best practices for speech therapy?

Because of the recent controversy over communication treatment approaches, we wanted to share recommendations on best...

Speech Therapy at Home: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

Speech Therapy at Home: A Comprehensive Guide for Parents

As a parent, it is essential to understand how to do basic speech therapy at home with your child. From getting started...

The Similarities and Differences Between Speech Therapy and Speech Pathology: An Expert's Perspective

The Similarities and Differences Between Speech Therapy and Speech Pathology: An Expert's Perspective

Speech therapists and speech-language pathologists are often used interchangeably, but there are some subtle differences...

What is speech therapy target?

What is speech therapy target?

Objective behavior refers to the skill or action that the doctor wants to teach your child (i.e.,. To start treatment,...

Speech Therapy Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Speech Therapy Techniques: A Comprehensive Guide

Speech therapy is a corrective service that helps treat physical and cognitive defects, which can cause difficulties in...

Who Can Benefit from Speech Therapy Treatment?

Who Can Benefit from Speech Therapy Treatment?

Speech therapy is a form of treatment that evaluates and treats speech disorders and communication problems. It helps...

What is the most common speech and language disorder?

What is the most common speech and language disorder?

This speech disorder causes children to mispronounce certain sounds, such as S or R. Difficulty pronouncing S is called...

At what age autistic child speak fluently?

At what age autistic child speak fluently?

Some children with ASD develop language after age 5.Acquiring useful language before age 5 has been identified as a...

What are speech disorders in children?

What are speech disorders in children?

Language and speech disorders can exist together or on their own. Difficulty correctly forming specific words or sounds...

5 Conditions That Can Be Improved With Speech Therapy: An Expert's Guide

5 Conditions That Can Be Improved With Speech Therapy: An Expert's Guide

Speech therapy is a form of treatment and support for people with speech disorders and communication problems. It can be...

Getting Ready for Speech Therapy: A Guide for Parents

Getting Ready for Speech Therapy: A Guide for Parents

Getting ready for a speech therapy session can be a bit intimidating for parents. But with the right tools and...

Speech Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Treating Speech Disorders

Speech Therapy: A Comprehensive Guide to Understanding and Treating Speech Disorders

Speech therapy is a form of treatment that helps people with speech and language problems speak more clearly. It can be...

Does speech therapy work on articulation?

Does speech therapy work on articulation?

The therapist can model the correct vocabulary and grammar and use repetitive exercises to develop language skills....

Why is speech therapy important?

Why is speech therapy important?

It helps people develop skills such as comprehension, clarity, voice, fluency, and sound production. Speech therapy can...

What type of therapy is good for adhd?

What type of therapy is good for adhd?

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is essentially brain training for ADHD. It is a short-term, goal-oriented form of...

Can speech therapy change your voice?

Can speech therapy change your voice?

Voice therapy can improve voice quality During voice therapy, an SLP can help you re-learn to use your voice in a way...

A Comprehensive Guide to Support Groups for Adults with Communication Disorders

A Comprehensive Guide to Support Groups for Adults with Communication Disorders

Living with a communication disorder can be a difficult and isolating experience, but there is help available. Support...

Does speech improve in autism?

Does speech improve in autism?

Many children with ASD develop some speech and language skills, but not at a normal skill level, and their progress is...

What qualities make a good speech therapist?

What qualities make a good speech therapist?

Characteristics of the ideal SLP: Teachable, solid ethics, good communication skills, technologically capable,...

How Long Does it Take to See Results from Speech Therapy?

How Long Does it Take to See Results from Speech Therapy?

No matter the complexity of the problem, your Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) should set goals that can be achieved in...

What type of therapy is best for autism?

What type of therapy is best for autism?

Behavioral approaches have the most evidence for treating ASD symptoms. They have become widely accepted among educators...

What happens at a speech evaluation for 2 year old?

What happens at a speech evaluation for 2 year old?

The therapist will perform a physical exam of your child's face and mouth, evaluate your child's ability to communicate,...

What to Expect During a Speech Therapy Session: A Guide for Patients and Families

What to Expect During a Speech Therapy Session: A Guide for Patients and Families

Once the patient's history and information have been collected, the therapist will begin an evaluation of the child. This ...

10 Essential Qualities for a Successful Speech Therapist

10 Essential Qualities for a Successful Speech Therapist

Speech-language pathology is a fulfilling career for the right person. It requires a unique set of skills and qualities...

How Often Should Speech Therapy Sessions Take Place?

How Often Should Speech Therapy Sessions Take Place?

When it comes to speech therapy, the frequency of sessions is an important factor in determining the success of the...

How Long Does Speech Therapy Last? An Expert's Guide to Understanding Treatment Duration

How Long Does Speech Therapy Last? An Expert's Guide to Understanding Treatment Duration

When it comes to speech therapy, the duration of treatment can vary greatly depending on the issue being addressed....

What are the different types of speech disorders?

What are the different types of speech disorders?

With apraxia of childhood speech, a child has trouble making precise movements when speaking. It occurs because the brain ...

What do they test in speech therapy?

What do they test in speech therapy?

The therapist will perform a physical exam of your child's face and mouth, evaluate your child's ability to communicate,...

What are five things you can do to encourage speech and language development?

What are five things you can do to encourage speech and language development?

Here we look at simple ways to encourage and enjoy your child's language development and capture your child's attention....

What are the common causes of speech disorders for a child?

What are the common causes of speech disorders for a child?

A child with a speech sound disorder cannot say all speech sounds with words. This can make the child's language...

What is the difference between language and speech development?

What is the difference between language and speech development?

Speech makes the sounds that become words the physical act of speaking. Language is our system of using words to...

Common Speech Disorders: An Expert's Guide

Common Speech Disorders: An Expert's Guide

Speech disorders can be caused by a variety of factors, including developmental delays, inherited conditions, and brain...

What are the Goals and Benefits of Speech Therapy?

What are the Goals and Benefits of Speech Therapy?

Speech therapy is a form of treatment that helps individuals improve their pronunciation, strengthen the muscles used in...

How long do kids stay in speech therapy?

How long do kids stay in speech therapy?

It depends on the problem the child is working on. Children can see a speech therapist once or several times a week.

What should i expect from a speech assessment?

What should i expect from a speech assessment?

The therapist will perform a physical exam of your child's face and mouth, evaluate your child's ability to communicate,...

What is included in speech therapy?

What is included in speech therapy?

Speech therapy evaluates and treats speech disorders and communication problems. It helps people develop skills such as...

Is speech pathology part of the medical field?

Is speech pathology part of the medical field?

A speech-language medical pathologist works in health care and diagnoses and treats a wide variety of speech, language,...

The Difference Between Speech Therapists and Language Pathologists

The Difference Between Speech Therapists and Language Pathologists

Speech therapists and speech-language pathologists are one and the same. There is no difference in terms of educational...

What is speech therapy considered?

What is speech therapy considered?

A speech therapist, also called a speech-language pathologist, evaluates, diagnoses, and treats speech disorders and...